In The Body Electric, Theo Eshetu Explores The Images Of Our Collective Unconscious And Challenge …

His use of syncopated imagery and abstract rhythmic montage is poetic and compelling. Ultimately, his work poses questions about the nature of reality.This Energy nutrition groundbreaking exhibition


the relationship between the body and culture, and the power of the human form.

Students in the program work with local artists, health professionals, and university interns to develop their own projects. They then present their work at the biennial BODY ELECTRIC Arts and Health Festival. The program is now in its third phase, featuring a comprehensive media plan. It combines a prevention communication network with original broadcast programming to reach a wider community. In addition, the arts/prevention project collection will tour the region, enabling the public to experience the project firsthand. Preliminary evaluation data suggests that the program has been highly successful.

“Body Electric” is an awe-inspiring poem about the human body. The speaker believes that the human body is a miracle and can’t understand its creation. He views the human body as akin to the soul, and he believes that


is what makes us unique and authentic